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Acquiring Competencies

"The workplace is changing faster than ever, and acquiring new skills has become far more important than having the right credentials" (Kim, 2019, para. 1).


The necessity to continually grow professionally and creatively is a never-ending cycle, one that cannot be ignored.

Over the course of the last 11 months, there have been a number of competencies acquired. Among these are certainly technical skills like graphics design in Adobe Illustrator, layout in InDesign, and image manipulation in Photoshop. 

These more technical skills also include a deeper dive into motion creation in Adobe Premiere Pro After Effects.

These competencies, while useful, arguably aren’t the biggest take-aways from this process though.

The biggest skills that I have learned are really conceptual. Things like understanding that client research is more than a single surface google search.


Gaining the understanding that real media design is not an aesthetic endeavor but rather a carefully planned and thought out campaign meant to foster the relationship between a brand and their consumers.

Whether it's a static poster, media board, infographic or a full-on brand guide what it really comes down to is telling visual stories with purpose.

At the end of the day, the biggest competency acquired is an understanding that, no matter the project, the process always starts with three questions...

Who do you represent?


Who are you talking to?


What are you trying to say?

Thank you for viewing my thesis presentation,



Kim, J. (2019, October 3). The rapidly changing workplace makes acquiring new skills more important than education. Retrieved from

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